Join us for the 2025 edition of the GRIF CLUB!
Discover new features and share your experiences through technical presentations, interactive workshops, and round tables.*
📅 Date: April 3
🕒 Time: 8:45 AM - 5:00 PM
📍 Location: TotalEnergies Tower and online via Teams
🌐 Languages: French and English (with translators)
Click here to view the program
This event is open to everyone, and you can forward the invitation to your colleagues and friends.
Register by February 28, 2025, to secure your spot.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the GRIF community!
*Please note that workshops and the round table are reserved for registered in-person participants.

About the GRIF Club
The GRIF Club is an annual event organized for GRIF users where updates and new features of the GRIF software suite and its modules are presented. Each year, the event is held in Paris, at TotalEnergies headquarters.

The GRIF Club is not just a place for discussing technical features, it's also somewhere to:
- Interact with professionals from all walks of life, working in the fields of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety;
- Meet the GRIF software suite developers, ask questions about the tool and offer feedback to improve its features;
- Discover the world of TotalEnergies: its recognized expertise in RAMS studies for over 40 years and its continued determination to align its operations with new growth dynamics, just like yours.
Who? GRIF Club is a free event open to all GRIF users, including professionals from all sectors. | Where? The event will take place in hybrid mode at Tour Coupole - 2 place Jean Millier 92078 Paris la Défense cedex France and online via a Microsoft Teams meeting. (Both will be translated live) | When? The GRIF Club will be held on April 3, 2025 from 8:45am to 5pm (UTC + 01 :00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris) | Benefits?
All this in a convivial atmosphere, with games, buffets and round tables. |
Nicolas Clavé
Head of RAM at TotalEnergies OneTech
Graduated from the University of Bordeaux with a master's degree in stochastic modelling and operational research, Nicolas Clavé worked, from 2006 to 2014, as Reliability engineer at Fractal Système, a French consulting company specialized in RAM studies. In 2014, he joined TotalEnergies EP/DSO/EXP/SRF as Reliability engineer and he is today the Head of OPS/MAINT/RAM entity at TotalEnergies OneTech.
Maïder Estécahandy
Reliability engineer & GRIF project manager at TotalEnergies OneTech
PhD in applied mathematics with a specialization in probability and statistics from the University of Pau (UPPA, France), Maïder Estécahandy worked as Reliability engineer in Alstom until 2021. Then, she joined TotalEnergies in 2021 as Reliability engineer at OneTech TL/OPS/MAINT/RAM and GRIF project manager, in charge of both development activities and all associated support services.
Cyrille Folleau
Graduated from ENSEIRB engineering school (IT + dependability) in 2003, Cyrille Folleau was in charge of GRIF technical development from 2005 to 2022. CEO of SATODEV, manager of several projects, he is also in charge of user support and commercialization of GRIF since 2010.
Would you like to register for the event? Do you have any questions? Then get in touch directly with our team.
Overview of the latest GRIF Club events
GRIF Club 2024
The GRIF Club meeting on 14 March 2024 was a resounding success, bringing together 57 participants from all over the world and from a wide range of industrial sectors (aeronautics, aerospace, defense, nuclear, energy, etc.): 26 face-to-face participants at the TotalEnergies Coupole Tower and 31 remote participants. The hybrid format was greatly appreciated, enabling the audience to be broadened.
GRIF Club 2023
The 14th GRIF Club for GRIF users took place on March 23, 2023 at Tour Couple in Paris in a hybrid format (online and on-site). Although the GRIF Club has a rich history, it was previously dedicated mostly to French-speaking users due to the fact that France is the homeland of the GRIF software suite. However, with the increasing number of users worldwide from various countries, TotalEnergies decided to expand borders and host the very first GRIF Club in English.
GRIF Club 2022
The 13th annual GRIF Club for users of GRIF software and its modules was held on January 18, 2022. GRIF software users attended from a wide range of business sectors. The day provided an opportunity to introduce the software’s new features and discuss practical case studies. Check out the 2022 program and see which topics were discussed.