GRIF | BStoK - Evaluating the performance of dynamic systems with stochastic block diagrams
About the BStoK module

A stochastic block diagram modeling tool that takes into account the dynamic behavior of systems.
BStoK is used to model systems in the form of stochastic block diagrams. In contrast to reliability block diagrams, BStoK taking into account the dynamic behaviour of systems. The module uses the MOCA-RP (Monte-Carlo – Petri Nets) calculation engine, owned by TotalEnergies and, as its name suggests, based on the Monte-Carlo simulation, meaning that all information on the model can be recovered. Moca-RP has the dual advantage of producing accurate results without compromising on computation speed, making it one of the most powerful calculation engines on the market..
Benefits of the BStoK module
User-friendly and ergonomic
calculation engine MOCA-RP
Compatible with
the HPC plug-in

GRIF is designed for any field of activity
Whether for an oil platform, aircraft, train or water supply system, GRIF evaluates the reliability and availability of any system using a range of computational techniques. The GRIF software suite offers a wide variety of calculation methods so that users can select the most appropriate (analytical, simulation, etc.), according to the system being modeled.
Minimum System Requirements
- Hardware requirement: Intel Core i3 or faster, 4 GB of free RAM, 1 GB of free space, no internet connection needed;
- Software requirements: Windows 10/11 or Linux or MacOS X with Java 11;
- Licences: standalone with USB dongle or floating licences with Sentinel server;
- Trial version available on our website.
Need more information?
The BStoK module is a part of the GRIF Simulation package

The Monte Carlo method for your dynamic models
The Simulation package allows the study of statistical results for thousands of stories in the form of convergence graphs, Petri nets or stochastic block diagrams, to map the most accurate events in even the most complex industrial environments. It is composed of four modules: Petri, BStoK, Petro and Flex. All of them are aquipped with Moca-RP (for MOnte-CArlo - Petri nets), a TotalEnergies proprietary ultra-fast calculation engine based, as its name suggests, on Monte-Carlo simulation and which pushes the limits of modeling.
About GRIF

Identify the essential indicators of your system analysis.
GRIF (GRaphical Interface for Reliability Forecasting) is a software suite designed to help engineers determine the key RAMS (Reliability - Availability - Maintainability - Safety) indicators. Drawing on TotalEnergies' experience in simulation research and development, it features mature, high-performance calculation engines and modeling capabilities to meet all your needs in any reliability study.