
GRIF at the Lambda Mu 23 Congress

GRIF Lambda Mu 23

The 23rd λμ (Lambda Mu) congress under the theme "Innovations and risk control for a sustainable future" was organized last week by IMdR at EDF Lab Paris Saclay. This event brought together over 400 participants from various French companies and universities.

This intensive week, rich in discussions with key players of the dependability domain in France, was also an opportunity to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the GRIF software suite, to present its new visual identity with the GRIF stand in the exhibition area, and to present its functionalities which allow to continue to meet the needs of RAMS studies in any sector of activity

It is important to mention that numerous works carried out by GRIF users were presented during the λμ 23 congress:

  • Innovative probabilistic Safety Analysis with dynamic modelling – F. MOULIE, J. VALLEE, O. LALANNE, A. HERROU (Orano Projets).
  • Availability study of an installation dedicated to CO2 capture, optimization of the design and the injection strategy via Petri nets –  C. VINUESA (I AU CUBE), M. ESTECAHANDY, N. CLAVE (TotalEnergies).
  • Enhanced bowtie method for industrial risk analysis with uncertainties – T. DE BARNIER, O. IDDIR (Technip Energies), N. GABAS, N. OLIVIER-MAGET, F. BOURGEOIS (LGC).
  • Modelling reliability and availability of ageing safety-related systems  – F. BRISSAUD (GRTGaz), C. FOLLEAU, B. DECOURNUAUD (SATODEV).
  • Dependability supporting New Space –  A. STRZEPEK, T. AMIOT, L. GILLOT, C. CHEYMOL (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)).

We would like to thank the entire congress organizing team, our developer and distributor SATODEV, and our training contractor I AU CUBE for their contribution to the organization of this event and the GRIF stand. Also, We would like to thank the GRIF user community for being there with us and for sharing interesting ideas. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our colleagues within TotalEnergies for their time and contribution to this event and to this project which was born in 1982 within the company thanks to Jean-Pierre Signoret, the world reference in the field of operational safety, and who tries daily to continue to meet the demand of the market by waking up to scientific advances in the sector.

Thanks to all and see you soon at ESREL 2023 and Club GRIF 2023!

If you would like to share your experience within the community, do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:

Photos : IMdR - Institut pour la Maîtrise des Risques, TotalEnergies