
Offshore Technology Conference 2023, USA

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que le papier "Industry Application and Benefits Of ISO/TR 12489 for Reliability Modelling and Calculation of Safety Systems", qui a été réalisé avec l'aide de plusieurs modules GRIF, sera présenté du 1er au 4 mai aux Etats-Unis lors de Offshore Technology Conference 2023 #OTC2023.

Ce papier sera présenté dans la section intitulée"Towards the Implementation of Unified Standards in the Digital Age" le 1er mai 2023, de 14h00 à 16h30.  

Vous trouverez le programme de la section ci-dessous ou sur le site web de la conférence..

Nous espérons avoir le plaisir de vous rencontrer à la conférence #OTC2023 !

Time Topic Autors
14:00-14:18 Standards Development in Support of Low Carbon Activities P. Watkins, D.L. Miller, J.N. Roueche, American Petroleum Institute
14:20-14:38 Deepstar Projects Impact on Industry Standardization J.V. Gomes, Offshore Operators Committee; S. Shamshy, Chevron Corporation; R. Østebø, Equinor
14:40-14:58 Failures and Replacements - A Barrier to Growth in Offshore Wind? J. Muren, P.E. Jenkins, L. Froyd, 4Subsea AS
15:00-15:18 Learnings From the Standardization of Quality Procurement Specifications M. Reed, Shell; D.A. Harris, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
15:20-15:38 Industry Application and Benefits Of ISO/TR 12489 for Reliability Modelling and Calculation of Safety Systems M. Estecahandy, TotalEnergies; J.T. Selvik, University of Stavanger and NORCE; J. Signoret, ex. TotalEnergies; A.E. Summers, SIS-TECH Solutions LP; S. Isaksen, Safetec; F. Brissaud, GRTgaz; N. Clave, TotalEnergies
15:40-15:58 Standardization of Subsea Distribution Units G. Martinelli, G. Lavarra, C. Rella, M. Fabbrizzi, G. Biffaroni, Baker Hughes
16:00-16:18 Evolving Methods for Design by Analysis for Glassy Polymers in Marine Applications B. Kemper, Kemper Engineering Services, LLC; J. Stromer, Triton Submarines